Netroots Swearing-In Party

A few weeks ago, we discussed a few of the swearing-in parties for the 110th Congress in Washington, DC on Jan. 4th.  If you’re going to be in the area, add another one to your list: the first Netroots Swearing-In Party!  Here’s the lowdown:

  Netroots Swearing-In Party

  MCCXXIII, 1223 Connecticut Ave NW, DC
  Dupont Circle metro stop, south exit…

  Thursday, January 4
  9PM ’til Midnight
  Champagne toast at 10PM (Courtesy of the New Organizing Institute)

The host committee will include‘s Tom Matzzie, Roz Lemieux of the New Organizing Institute, Chris Bowers and Matt Stoller of MyDD, Rep. Brad Miller (D-NC), Harry Reid aide Ari Rabin-Havt, and the Swing State Project’s very own DavidNYC.

If you can make it out, stop by and join in on some good conversations and plenty of champagne!

UPDATE (David): If you’re looking for other events to attend, check out this handy PDF I’ve compiled. Just one warning: Some of these events may be very private/very exclusive/require donations/require RSVPs, etc. So if you aren’t sure, please call the campaign or organization in question.

8 thoughts on “Netroots Swearing-In Party”

  1. I’ll head over after Drinking Liberally, which is only a few blocks away.

    If anyone wants to come by DCDL beforehand, we’ll be in the back room at Timberlake’s, 1726 Connecticut Ave (a couple of blocks north of the Dupont Circle Metro) starting at 6:30.

    Also, a warning for those going to MCCXXIII: they can be strict about their dress code.  Their site isn’t very usable, but I did find it described elsewhere as “No Athletic wear, no rugged wear, no boots, no timberlands, no hats, no sneakers, no shorts, no flip-flops, and no baggy jeans.” Presumably it’ll be no problem for people who’ve been to congressional open houses earlier.

  2. i can’t seem to find a tv schedule of the swearing in of the speaker – does anyone know what time things are going down?

  3. And Hooray to the 233 Democrats who all voted for her!
    Kudos to Rush Holt-D NJ 12 for standing up for Christine Jennings-D FL-13 and JEERS to Cong. “Opey” Putnam-R FL 12 for his smarmy ASSist to Vernon B.

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